Monday, February 6, 2012

Most Significant Movie

Rendition is clearly one of the most significant movies of out time. It is significant because, even though fiction, it shows us in a way that we can't ignore some of the worst attrocities being comitted in America by Americans on behalf of all of America. While the phsyical situs of the "Rendition" may be technically outside the legal lands of the United States of America, that distinction is morally irrelevant (and probably legally irrelevant).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Best Movies

Man on Fire an incredible movie directed by Tony Scott and starring Denzell Washington, Christopher Walken, Dakota Fanning and a whole host of other stars, including, incredibly Jennifer Lopez's ex- husband, Marc Anthony, who also does an incredible job. While each star does a great job, clearly the best performances belong to Washington and Walken.

Best Dance Song Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 [by a nine year old contributer]


By Sunshine Smalley nom de plume of contributor

In my opionion, as a student of Hip-Hop, here is the best dance song around.

This review was submitted by a reader. Feel free to submit your own review or comment on one of mine. See my e-mail link below to contact me.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Most Important Show - The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC

There are a lot of news shows. But Rachel Maddow accurately and unbiasedly analyses the news and current events, especially political, in the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Many accuse her of being liberally biased. But this is simply untrue. Her show is accurate and fair, and she is articulate and intelligent. To learn the truth about the issues which confront us, and our politicians, (including the choice we and they must make about which politicians to support and how to decide the various controversial issues, her show is the most helpful on the air.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Great Book, UNBOUND By Dean H. King

Unbound - This interesting and important books describes, truthfully and factually, the Long March of the Communist Party, somewhat through the eyes (or at least the story of) the thirty women who started the Long March with the thousands of men.

It includes such heroic women as Deng Yingchao [Click here to see her Wikepedia Biography],   

Go to this link to find more information from Dean King's Webpage.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Best Documentary Film - Revolucion

OK, this may not be the best Documentary Film ever, but it was the only one I was involved in sufficient to get my name in the Credits. It is called Revolucion and you can click the title or go to It is about Cuban photographers, some of whom documented the Cuban Revolution and is actually quite interesting. Most significantly, the executive producers had excellent legal counsel, namely, me. It aired on PBS and other places.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Worst Shows on TV/Cable - Jersey Shore and the Kardashians

I need to mention some shows which are so overrated and, despite having many viewers, makes me question the taste, education, morality and/or amount of free time of the viewers as well as the greed of the network and other entertainment executives who air such trash at all. The Kardashian shows (Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kloe and Lamar, and Kourtney and Kim Take New York) and the Jersey Shore on MTV are two of the best or worst examples of this.

Best New Song (at least new to me) Adele "Set Fire to the Rain"

When I heard this song, I loved it immediately. I rarely like new music, and I usually have to listen a few times before I really get to like a song. But here it is. "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele.


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Some of My Favorite Books

Here are some be of my "all time favorite books and some thoughts about each.

Anna Karenina  by Leo Tolstoy. This book, set in Tsarist Russia, is the definitive commentary on male-female relationships. All types, for all different reasons. Despite the geographic and temporal differences, the compromises we make as well as the passions we all seek are brilliantly set forth. While I prefer non-fiction to fiction, and modern to older books, this book had me addicted like an addict to the pipe.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Skins - In Memorium

Skins was one of the freshest and best new shows aired on cable. It was another example of MTV's cutting edge programming. It only made it one season before being "yanked" due to censorship pressures which were totally undeserved from a secretive and mysterious organization which is very suspect.

Flashpoint - A hidden gem on ION Cable

Flashpoint is a cable TV show which I discovered which is fresh, stimulating and not well known (unfortunately). It ranks among the best. The plot is intense, and each episode is still current, new, and unique. The plots are intense, and there is never a moment of boredom or predictability.