Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Big Brother 15 - Bad People Doing Bad Things

Big Brother 15 is one of my favorite shows. I have been watching it since the third season, 12 years ago. Of course, some years are better then others, and some are more unique then others. Each year, CBS tries to change something about the show to make it more interesting as opposed to mere repetition of the prior year. Even my ten year old daughter joined my 14 year old son and I in liking to watch this show (in prior G-Rated years).

Before you jump the gun and think this is just another discussion about another reality show, wait. This show has made headlines throughout the world, caused CBS to rewrite their disclaimers, and ended the careers of others.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ninja Warrior from Japan and American Ninja Warrior from USA & New Fan Website

Etan Ginsberg already started his own Ninja Warrior Web Site for fans of the show, Ninja Warrior.  CLICK HERE FOR THE WEBSITE. Etan also built his own "environmentally friendly" Ninja Warrior course, as is shown on his Videos of Etan Building and Completing His Ninja Warrior Course and Obstacles]. Incredibly, he is already a top competitor even though he is prevented from competing only because of his age- 14 years old. American Ninja Warrior requires one to be 18 or 21.

Worst Shows on TV/Cable - Jersey Shore and the Kardashians

I need to mention some shows which are so overrated and, despite having many viewers, makes me question the taste, education, morality and/or amount of free time of the viewers as well as the greed of the network and other entertainment executives who air such trash at all. The Kardashian shows (Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kloe and Lamar, and Kourtney and Kim Take New York) and the Jersey Shore on MTV are two of the best or worst examples of this.

The Border - Another Gem Out of Canada

The Border, one of the "Can't Miss Shows."

American TV continues its rapid descent into nothingness. I get more then 100 cable channels and there is nothing to watch. Kim Kardashian is a disgusting talentless person, and she is the best argument for communism when she explains how her 100 million dollar mansion is not habitable.

Not that I am big on demanding family values on TV, but even on that score, the Kardashians, with 2 out of 3 chldren having their children out of wedlock, are a miserable failure.